Interview with experienced global product developers

2-1. "The true face of Takuya Oikawa, a leader in the IT world"

Takuya Oikawa

Founding Partner

Ken Yasunaga

Founder / Managing Partner

We will look at the career of Mr. Takuya Oikawa, a Founding Partner of GHOVC, who was the Head of Windows development at Microsoft, and a product and engineering manager at Google.

2-2. "People are the value"

Takuya Oikawa, who was the Head of Windows development at Microsoft, a product and engineering manager at Google, and a Founding Partner of GHOVC, talks about what he learned from foreign companies, what he likes about startups, and his career as an engineer.

2-3. "Japanese companies should aim for the global market"

Japanese companies should aim for the global market. Takuya Oikawa, who was the Head of Windows development at Microsoft, a product and engineering manager at Google, and a Founding Partner of GHOVC, explains that Japanese companies should compete on a global level. We asked him what he really means.

2-4. "Engineers should take on big challenges"

Takuya Oikawa, who was the Head of Windows development at Microsoft, a product and engineering manager at Google, and a Founding Partner of GHOVC talks about his thoughts on "how to make the most out of failure.

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